A little part of the Big story.....fka "My Year to Thrive"

My favorite word in highschool was Lagniappe thanks to Dr. Sims. Lagniappe is 'a little something extra.' I just like the word and the french origin. Hope you enjoy a little something extra today!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Lightning and driving

If you are in bed right now you are not lucky. God has put on the most amazing light show (for the winter atleast) and it just won't stop. The cool part about it is that it is kinda foggy outside so you can't really tell when it is going to strike and then from the left and then the right and then right in front of me there is a subtle reminder of God's omnipotence. And of my weird magnetism towards lightning and thunder storms (see early blogs from early this year). Really weird. Like - not-normal-weird.

The coolest thing is I was able to drive home tonight just looking up at the great big sky and the peaceful lightning all around me. No music. No cell phone ringing. No one with me. Nothing on my mind. I rolled down the front two windows and the back ones 1/2 way (this is a trick that you should pay attention to. It allows you to enjoy the breeze but not get blown away) and I just kept driving. And driving. The temperature was surprisingly mild for a late-November night. And the lightning just kept striking. What a cool reminder at the end of the day, especially a Monday like today, of God's intricate power and creativity. More so, how humbling that tonight was so perfect and so invigorating and it had not a thing to do with my planning or my motivating or my putting together. It really had nothing to do with me more than maybe to make me feel loved.
I wish I had the audacity and courage to just keep driving and soaking up the night. At this point, everything seems to be on a day to day basis so I didnt seem to have much to risk. Then again - I really want to risk. I don't know anything for certain these days more than I want to risk. I want to risk all of my comforts and stabililty for something bigger than me. Whether it fails or it soars I think the power in turning it all over is unfathomable.
Wow! That strike was just confirmation! If you are reading this - get up, roll down your windows and sleep with them down if you can - you'll wake up energized I am sure. My windows are painted shut cause my roommates are afraid I'll escape - so in that respect, I am not lucky.

Now here comes the rain too. I couldnt be any more affirmed of my existence and purpose than in this moment.


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