Ghosting extravaganza
I just realized I dont even know how to spell extravaganza.
Family dinner, initiated by Katherine a few weeks ago, has made Tuesdays rank up there with perfect Thursdays, lazy Sundays, sunny Saturdays and then Wednesday's (due to small group). My mom would love that comment as she always says everytime I do something I say it was 'the best EVER.' More so, I have quite a few favorite things which probably gives no real credit to how much I really like things. So I like alot of things. Hate me for being jolly. Anyway, Tuesdays are now much anticipated as The Katie's, Kat and I do a family dinner. As mentioned before, this is exploratory cooking at it's best. No names mentioned as not to disclose the chef's such dinner recently was both entertaining and mouth watering. First of all, you should know - there is a designated apron that must be worn during food preparation. Wine is also a must. One such evening, wine and apron in tact, a fellow roommate and chef extraordinaire forgot one of the main ingredients of the dish, sherry. Problem fixed as the tasty (yet not so appealling to the eye) dish came out ofthe oven, the cook took themissingingredient and shoved a few spoon fulls under each piece of chicken as if it were there the whole time.
(Time out: My space bar isnt workingsowell. Wouldnt thisannoy youif the spacebarwere alwaysbroken? )
We werent really supposed to see this little chicken-manipulation but I am a little controlling in the kitchen and I happened to witness. 5 points to her for a messup and then a quick fix.
WEll, this Tuesday we decided to have a little family fun after dinner. Reference the pictures below. Backin the days ofmiddle school in Mayretta, Georgia the Nicholson family would get Ghosted. I was always a little too old and a little too cool to participate. Not this night!
We made 2 large goodie bags (yes, it was all leftover candy and some old cookies we didnt want around the house - but nonethless, thoughtful). Then our fabulous artist roommate, Catie drew us the most perfect 2 ghosts and we wrote the little ghosting directions on another piece of paper. katherine then insisted that we all dress in black (she's a little competitive when it comes to ghosting). We scoped out our victims and then went in for the action. First, you have to locate your hiding place cause if you are caught the game is over. Before we even got started, Charlie, the laundry delivery boy sort of spoiled all the fun as he too, decided he should join in, laundry bags in all. We were very annoyed at this and settled for his phone # on a laundry receipt andthen sent him on his way (boys: do not try to flirt with my roommates in the course of ghosting or other such 'family' activities.) The first house we visited was a major success. We found the perfect hiding spot so we could see the door open but yet we werent seen - great call, Kat, on the all black! Katherine dropped the bag on the doorstep, and I, of 2 broken knees rang the doorbell and hobbled swiftly to the designated area. About 10 seconds pass and the door opens and a 10 year old anxious young tyke (sp?) comes out picks up the bag and quickly runs towards the bushes we were in. Whewww.....close call, hemissed us. then Mr.Spencer shouts out to the streets. 'We'll get you nexttime, you ghosters. Thanks for the treats!"
Mr. Spencer - you rock! What a great first ghosting victim. Now, we all await each night to see who they will ghost next as they have to do it to 2 others in the hood.
After a fewminutes and the coast was clear we darted (well, still hobbling) to our front yard and then for some reason we all think it is the thing to do to dive into our yard asnot to be seen.Smart move, girls. We may have been seen had we not dove into our flat short yard. Smart.
The next victims were as compliant and we think we may have pissed them off so they get no fame in this story.
Anyway, pictures below. Great night of family fun!
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