A little part of the Big story.....fka "My Year to Thrive"

My favorite word in highschool was Lagniappe thanks to Dr. Sims. Lagniappe is 'a little something extra.' I just like the word and the french origin. Hope you enjoy a little something extra today!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


So, in the midst of solving world peace and all the other things a mortgage banker does on a daily basis, I am taking personality tests. It's either that or play Madlibs on line during work hours. This atleast will give me some future insight. I am going to highlight just the things that I like about my ENFP-self!

You're an initiator of change and are keenly in tune to possibilities... you're enthusiastic, and it's contagious...you're tireless in the pursuit of newfound interests... You can anticipate the needs of others, and offer them needed help and appreciation. You bring zest, livelihood, and fun to all aspects of your life... (Why, thank you Mr. Briggs!)
You're agreeable, sociable, outgoing and like to imagine yourself in the future... who will you marry? what type of work will you do? where will you live? All questions you ask yourself...you like to keep your options open...you're imaginative...curious...you prefer to understand than judge..
You see endless possibilities. You hate to be boxed into anything -- like a career -- for life...so you hesitate and resist making decisions...always look for new and novel...
You like a learning environment where the teacher takes a personal interest in you...You're motto might be: "There's always a better way or a better answer.."... when you're committed to something, you are enthusiastic to the point of preaching to the whole world about it (...like the Storm Palace?)
Your style of organization is... well, personalized. Others don't really see you as organized, though, do they? YOU know what's where, and there's a "method to your madness," huh?
You have a hard time separating work from leisure, since you have fun while you work. You're always on the lookout for new things... you like learning with others, so you'll invite 'em to join you at films, plays and classes.
When you fall in love, you study the other person in every way. The one you fall in love with is "the best ever" a lot, huh?(Okay, so this is scary....EVERYTHING is the best EVERto me) Sheesh. But others feel unconditionally loved by you ....you fall head over heels and get in love FAST. You are charming...full of vitality (I like that word vitality!)...you treat others with sympathy, gentleness, and warmth...
Last part: watch out for losing your focus 'cause you wanna try too many ideas at the same time... you don't prioritize, so you can overload...also, because you're just a fun-loving animal, you might not complete important work and basic responsibilities...
ENFP: "Every day, New Fantastic Possibilities"



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