Drive by cutees
3 times a day on average I am out driving about Atlanta, doing what I do best - aimlessly wandering (but yet looking very busy all the while). What is great about my job is the ability to roam and actually have it factor into the success of your day. Business is not lurking around the offices so they urge us to get out and roam and bump into business. But atleast 3 times a day I tend to bump into unsolicited "mini-crushes." Yes, many of my dearest people right now are smiling to themselves as they think this siting of 3 crushes per day by their pal Betsy is the norm. Well, first of all - boy crazy I am not- to all you who would say otherwise....I just have a good eye for a cute smile. Second of all - where are you, oh, fair-weathered cute-smile in the car boys?????
This is the question of the day today - where do all of you (meaning just the group aforementioned, no other creepy internet folk wanted) seemingly interesting 25-35ish males hang out? Not that you are strikingly beautiful or that we need to plan our children together but I see you singing in your car, sunroof open, looking from car to car as I do at the other pretty folks that make up this city. And I just want to know where you hide? Granted, I am not known too well in the bar circuit here in the Atl but I think I do my fair share of trying new places and exploring the unique new "boro's" in the Atlanta area. But I don't see you. I tend to see the same Georgia folk that you couldnt miss in the same scene in Athens, Tuscaloosa, Knoxville, Opelika and Columbia (nearly 4 years ago) but that is it. I am not necessarily looking for trouble anytime I am out and about - I just want to know where you hide. I am in close relation to probably the largest pool of attractive, entertaining, self-sufficient, good-cookin, confident, adventure-seeking, single group of girls in the city and I think that you and your crew of other cute boys who drive through the city singing loud on a sunny day but hide at night need to mingle with my fabulous group of girl friends. Have your people get with my people, sing a little louder and don't be afriad to flash the occasional 'I see you too and think you are kinda cute and you seem to have alot to offer and hopefully one day'll we'll run into eachother- look'.....I might just take you up on it.
And with spring coming I know there is going to be abundance of car-flirting going down in the city...gotta love the spring in Atlanta. Bring on the warmth.
Going to wander....
I love how your mind works Betsy...scarily similar to mine at times... :)
I don't stray too far from Dunwoody, but you'll find me singing in the car wherever I roam, sunroof open, chrome spinnin. And Stewart, the only fries I'm trying to get are with Betsy's shake. YEOW!!!
"Tell your friends to get w/my friends, and we can be friends"- Notorious BIG
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