Lost thing = breakup
Okay, this has been determined. My most hated thing but it isn't a thing - it's a disease. A really really bad omen......
This thing is LOSING things. Misplacing something is like a breakup. You'd almost rather the person die so atleast you know the outcome. When you breakup you just sit and mettle over it and wonder and do the what if thing and try to replay the steps. I have lost something. Mama says there is a saint that you can bury or something and he will help you find the lost thing. I mean, she hopefully doesnt believe it either but at this point I am desperate. If I could have just broken the thing then I would be better off. The outcome would be known. Instead, I misplaced it and I have torn apart even the trash to find it. Nothing. I have retraced steps - looked at pictures to see if I could see it in the picture and then put the mystery together (yet again the breakup analogy). Still nothing. I am frustrated and trying not to let this ruin Christmas but I really can't sleep and can't get it off my mind.
Death is better I have decided. I like closure.
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