This is long overdo. Back in the day when my words flowed (flew?? Thanks, Andrew) like honey day in and day out....I had time to recognize the fan of the week every week. Times have changed and though I have so much that I want to add to this virtual relationship (that is one-sided for the most part. Speaking of....where are the comments, kids? It takes two to tango!) -I dont have the time to commit to it as I would like. My love lingo is not quality time though so I am okay on my part (You need to read the 5 launguages of Love if this interests you. And it should interest everyone.)
Anywho, FOTW is back and better than ever. The Fan of The Week this week comes straight from Swaziland. Africa that is.
She is so far away from me (love that Dire Straits song) but since she left for Tomi's motherland a few months ago to fight AIDS with her bare hands I have almost (selfishly) been able to enjoy her presence more. Beth is one of everybody's favorites so when in town she is constantly booked. Dont get me wrong - I want to drink latte's and eat Moe's with her in person and even eat peanut butter out of the jar. I want to play with her hair and I want to dance silly for no reason. But it sure is the most fabulous feeling in the morning to have blog posts and emails that were sent as I slept only to greet me when I arise. Selfish, I know.
Beth is living with future FOTW, Holly, in Africa and has been there since the Swazi-summer (March). They are now more than half way though with their adventure and you can only imagine the experiences these two have shared.`
This will give you the best account of what they are facing everyday. How encouraging to see our FOTW so boldly living out her faith! My heart hearts this FOTW's heart!
Thank you Beth for your constant encouragement even across the ocean. Your faith is contageous and intoxicating altogether. I am so thankful that I made you befriend me last fall.
I have your award for FOTW of peanut butter and Reece's eggs and latte's and African beer all awaiting you when you return. What a splendid reunion! Congratulations my african-princess.
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