Question(s) of the hour
And a few more things. This one comes from Liz. It's a good one.
How is it that cute (just threw that in there so your visual picture is a pleasant one) person A can be nearly 3 inches taller than cute person B but when cute person A and B are sitting....sitting is the question....they are nose to nose (and no added heel height to throw this off.)
Note: don't try to figure this when out while sitting in a quiet church service. Especially when you are a few rows back from the preacher and he is actually live today. (That's weird I know - my fabulous church is typically a video-casted sermon but today was the real thing. Nice.
Breakfast in bed for the winning answer.
Which leads to question #2? Who really wants breakfast in bed? Not me for sure. When I wake up I like to turn back over and stretch and try to finish the end of that spicy dream (you know the good ones always come in the morning when you woke up briefly and then went back to sleep? It is true - I promise.) But, really, I don't want anyone walking into my room and literally giving me food to eat in bed. I don't like this idea. I have never actually had cheerios or Belgian waffles (my fave) in bed but it won't work for me - I know it.
And lastly, does deodorant become immune to your body? Dont go assuming (mama always says this makes *something* out of you and me) that I am suggesting that my deodorant isn't working. It is. It just seems that I have worn the same antiperspirant (better word) since I started using the stuff in middle school or'd think your stink would start to shine through. Lovely thought huh? I smell like roses in everyway so dont worry about me but I do think the full effect of the same deodorant is not possible after nearly 10 years. More so, I smell alot of stinky people at times in situations when they shouldn't be stinking and you would just think it is because they are too scared to venture to a new deodorant.
Did I really just write that? Am I really going to post this? I am. What have I to lose? This may be the one post for the poor soul out there who really had never thunk to smell themselves to see if their oldie but goodie antiperspirant was still so 'anti'- perspirant.
I made you check didn't I? I have so much good to offer the world, I know.
#1 - BETSY! I am shorter than many people, but when I sit next to them, I'm eye to eye, if not taller. It's my mile long torso, I do believe - and sitting up straight. Makes me tower over others when sitting.
#2 - I'd LOVE breakfast in bed. It would be so lovely to wake up and stretch, roll over, then be greeted at my door with a beautiful smiling face and a tray full of yummy breakfast goodies. Breakfast is my fave time of day and type of food, so hook it up. Then, I'd talk to my breakfast buddy for a long time b/c I love conversations. I could swim in them.
#3 - My underarm protection/scent of preference is Dove Fresh scent. I do adore the quality. You should try it and ditch the Teen Spirit. :)
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