A little part of the Big story.....fka "My Year to Thrive"

My favorite word in highschool was Lagniappe thanks to Dr. Sims. Lagniappe is 'a little something extra.' I just like the word and the french origin. Hope you enjoy a little something extra today!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dr.McDreamy answers our concerns....

Wow, who would have thunk there would be more blog communication around the subject of deodorant that any other this week. Several of you are too shady to actually post your comments but you have shared your sentiments with me in person and email regarding a meaty question that was asked a few days ago. Without further adieu, I am sharing some of the best insight I have received yet from one of Atlanta's finest....and obviously, one of Atlanta's best smelling dudes. I am not sure if he wishes to be anonymous but I dont want him to be bombarded with your other random questions so at the time, we'll call him Dr.McDreamy. Disclaimer: this post is a service to you and in no way an indication of any personal concerns I may have about body odor. I am here for you, beloved reader.

Original Post:
And lastly, does deodorant become immune to your body? Dont go assuming (mama always says this makes *something* out of you and me) that I am suggesting that my deodorant isn't working. It is. It just seems that I have worn the same antiperspirant (better word) since I started using the stuff in middle school or whenever.....you'd think your stink would start to shine through. Lovely thought huh? I smell like roses in everyway so dont worry about me but I do think the full effect of the same deodorant is not possible after nearly 10 years. More so, I smell alot of stinky people at times in situations when they shouldn't be stinking and you would just think it is because they are too scared to venture to a new deodorant.

Original Relply (s) the second I just thought was humorous so it is included:

Dr. McDreamy said...
This is late... but I thought I'd share...

You use the words deororant and anti-persperant interchangably, when in fact they are two different things (though they accomplish the same goal).

The difference is sweating. Deodorant makes the sweat not stink, Anti-persperant makes you not sweat, therefore, no stink.

Given the body's remarkable ability to adapt.. over time I could imagine that an antipersperant would possibly loose some of its effectiveness - though I'm really just guessing.. I'd suggest you switch for a couple months, and let your body adjust to something else. Afterwards, your body should respond better to your original brand should you choose to go back to it.

...that is if it's you're antipersperant that's not working in the first place ;)

10:34 PM

FOTW - Beth said:

My underarm protection/scent of preference is Dove Fresh scent. I do adore the quality. You should try it and ditch the Teen Spirit. :) 1:27 PM

Betsy Nicholson to Dr. McDreamy
More options 11:39 pm (11 hours ago)

So does one need two products, one an antiperspirant and two a deodorant? I am confused!
Dr. McDreamy to me
More options 9:04 am (1½ hours ago)

You only need one, which one depends on what whether or not you want to sweat. They both will keep you smelling peachy.

I'd imagine most ladies would go with an antipersirant due to the number of sleaveless things ya'll wear... since guys usually have on an undersirt, no one can tell if we're a little sweaty....

And there you have it. You can send your random questions to me and I will see that the Doctor will Grace us with his knowledge again soon.


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