A little part of the Big story.....fka "My Year to Thrive"

My favorite word in highschool was Lagniappe thanks to Dr. Sims. Lagniappe is 'a little something extra.' I just like the word and the french origin. Hope you enjoy a little something extra today!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Betsy and Caite assaulted

After small group ended lastnight, I was already in my oh-so-perfect pj's and was in bed by 9:45. Good stuff. As I usually do, I set my alarm for 5:30 - cause, you know, I have good intentions of getting up to work out before work. Not with the events of lastnight.
After I set my alarm I always turn off the ringer on my phone so those of you whom choose to call me at all hours can not disturb this treasured time. Well, about 50 minutes later I am awakened by a frazzled Catie G. She tells me there is someone at or door and they won't say who it is. Mind you - it's not too late but it is almost 11 and Catie and I were home alone - which is often the case and we were both either asleep or on the way. Let's recall: Catie hear's this knock on the door - you know the knock - the one that you know someone is coming to get you.....bum-ba-ba-bum....Catie asks who it is thinking that there only about 2 people that would possibly come by our house at that hour. The knock behind the door doesnt answer. Catie see's someone and she darts up the stairs, wakes me up. As soon as I am awakened and walk out of my suite at the top of the stairs I hear the knock too. My heart jumped right out of my chest. We quietly-but really not that quietly discussed what to do as once again we asked who it was and they didnt answer - they just kept coming with that same bum-ba-ba-bum.,....After about 3 minutes we heard nothing and knew that our attakcers were walking towards the back of the house. They had 2 entries back there: one by way of the backdoor which, honestly, rarely seems to be locked and which also holds a keypad enterance but if you know us you know the code isnt too clever. Two- by way of the scary basement. And I know Catie thunk it too - but if this bad man were going to get us through the basement - we would be gonners cause we dont go near that dungeon at night. We pretty much act as if it is not there. Anyway, at this point we huddle into the corner and I swear I could hear Catie's heartbeating - of course, I could also swear she was somewhat laughing. Anywho, we go through our options....wait here in the corner to be taken by this ugly man, call our neighbors - but we don't know our neighbors nor have we ever called any of them, allow Betsy to see what she could do with her hyped up kickboxing skills. Yes, i have always wanted to take on an asaulter. Or we call the police. But what if we call the police and they don't come in time. PLus, we've never called 911. We opt for the latter. Vonda answers on the other end. I whisper to Vonda..."We are in our home and there is someone knocking on the door and they wont tell us who they are. They are now going to the back door.We think he is in the house." Vonda goes through all of the routine questions....am I alone, have I seen the attacker, do I hear anything. Often she asks me to speak up because as you know i am whispering so that the attacker who already heard us ask who was there wouldnt think that anyone was home. Vonda says she'll stay on the line with me until the police come. At this point I can't feel my limbs. I was pretty numb and wishing at that point that we had a big, bruly boy that wanted to take on our attacker. We don't allow shackers though so that wasnt a possibility.
Anyway, as I wait on the phone with Vonda for what seemed like peons - I motion to Catie to jump over the stair opening into my room and grab my cell phone out of my bed so we can have 2 phones in case the attacker (s) come while I am on hold with 911. Catie follows so well - she jumped the opening - cause, you know, if she had just walked across we would maybe be dead now - she grabs my phone and comes back to our safe corner. Vonda checks in to make sure everything is allright. I tell her that we dont hear anything but I know he is in the house. Catie tells me I have 3 missed calls - she did this grammy style - ultradramatic. Very fitting. I unlock the phone and check the 3 missed calls. Here is where the story gets interesting. As I continue to warn Vonda that our lives are about to be taken, I put the cell phone to my ear and start listening to messages. One, a friend, inquiring about a possible hike tomorrow afternoon. Okay. And then - yes, you guessed it - a few hang ups and one eery message.

We should just end the story here. That's all folks.We are alive today and that is what matters most.

If you want to hear the funny version of this story here it goes. (Don't you like this - you get to choose the ending). So, I hear the final message, and yes, Vonda still making sure the attacker hasn't made his move yet. I look at Catie with fear - only because in a weird way the excitment of the event was exhilerating....but knowing our adventure had come to an end. The message was from yes, a brurly, eery young man. He was coming by our house to drop off some things. He waited for a while and then almost walked to the back of the house but instead left - mission unaccomplished. I replay the message for Catie and she looks at me with her innocent smile and says 'oops'. I tell VOnda that we think we can make it here on our own - that we will wait for the police and we will call her back when we are approached by the attacker. Cause, you know - we would have had time to do that. I hang up the phone and Catie and I wake up the rest of the neighborhood laughing. About 3 minutes later - these guys are quick - the cops park a few houses down and start creeping up our front lawn. Catie and I nervously decide how to handle this. Do we carry on with our soap opera and just wait intil the cops find........the scary cards and check in the mailbox from our assaulter or do we go ahead and tell them our mistake. We opt for the latter because we are girls of high morale standards. Officer Gary and officer Davis are just happy that we are safe and they reluctantly tell us goodnight. Catie and I shut the door and we know they heard us laughing the next 5 minutes. As we start to calm down we see 2 other police cars come to the scene. The officers all convened in out front yard for the next 15 minutes. Probably just making sure we were okay. You know we are '2 single (well physically but not technically for Catie) girls living in Atlanta who just got scared (that's what we told Mr. Gary and Mr. Davis).

About 45 dramatic minutes later I crawl back into my 900 threadcount sheets and try to fall back to the deep sleep that I had tasted prior to our attack. Needless to say, I was a little worked up and could't fall back asleep.

Now the question for you is - who was our attacker? A little hint: he looks like an assaulter.... tall, dark, handsome (he he).....built to outlast any competition, bold in his opinions, quick to think and quick to act, a very convincing 'nice guy', despises Mexican food, proudly attacks in his Auburn colors........

Look for our story on the 5 o'clock news today. We are just thankful that everyone is safe and we'd like to thank our public servicemen, Officer Gary and Davis. We know justice will be served upon our attacker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Betsy, I sit here 180 miles south of Florida in George Town, Exuma. I hop on line at my buddies apartment after a great day of spearfishing. No 5:00 PM post yet. How disappointing. It was my big debut and I was completely forgotten about....not even a poorly written blog, but not even written at all! Sad. :( Have a great week! We are have 2 more days of lobster season and we're going to try to pull in at least 6 tomorrow along with more grouper and rock fish.

12:03 AM  

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