Everything around me is clean right now. My hair, my room, my car, my briefcase, my receipts in my car, my purse, my belly button, my living room, my porch, my ear's -inside and behind, my yard, my toe nails, my trunk of my car, my closet, the drawers in my rooms, 3 weeks worth of clothing...everything. Even my mood and my thoughts right now. Yes, it is Saturday night and you are probably playing with your significant other or your family be that tomorrow is Easter....nonetheless, I doubt you are sitting as clean and happy as I am.
I didnt see civilization today....well, I didnt interact with it. I woke up early after a fabulous night on the town lastnight with Jenni, Robin, Scott, Mere and Quincy (a few of my favorites). And literally from 7 am unitl 4 mnutes ago - I did not stop today. I did all the things I have been meaning to do for the last year. The stuff that is always on your to do list and never gets crossed off. I really didnt talk to anyone and for the most part my phone didnt ring. Now, the windows are open, the twinkle lights are on, three candles lit, no one home (Katie is on her way), I have a glass of red wine next to me, Keb Mo and Ray lamontagne are playing softly in the background, everything in this room is clean, my entire body - all 2000 lever parts are clean, everything I could imagine doing has been done and I just started a new chapter in my book. Life couldnt be better. In this moment, life really couldnt be better. It is so funny how much my world slowed down today and I think by miracle, I was able to get things done and enjoy doing it and as selfish as it sounds....no one else was needing anything from me. I am happy.
Tomorrow I will get up early to get a seat at the 9am service. Andy Stanley is speaking live and a friend of mine is being baptized. After that I get to go hiking with my daddy for the morning and spend the rest of the day with the whole family. My cup is really overflowing right now. My job is uncertain and finances are shaky but life is good and I am blessed beyond expression. More so, it is Easter weekend and I LOVE Peeps and Cadbury eggs and Whopper eggs and deviled eggs (I think I have a thing for eggs) and the time with my family - everyone will be home! And on top of that, the reason we even really all do that somehow has to do with the pinnacle of who I am. Christ died for me and for you some 2000 years ago and still to this day I experience freesom and I feel alive because of this gift so long ago. How could I do anything but worship in all I do...even in my cleaning and planting and organizing I was thanking Him for the peace that I have within that has nothing to do with anything I have done. How perfect too that it is so quiet tonight and I am so forgotten about and so alone - really? This couldnt be a more perfect way to reflect the Truth that I have just written and allow it to penetrate every part of me.